Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Site editor

This site, which can be accessed at www.witiwi.fr (hereinafter referred to as « the Site »), is published by Willis Towers Watson France (WTW), a « société par actions simplifiée » (simplified joint stock company) with share capital of 1,432,600 euros, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Registry under number 311 248 637, having its registered office at Tour HEKLA – 52 Avenue du Général de Gaulle – 92800 Puteaux.

Company Individual TVA identification number: FR 61311248637

Phone: 01 41 43 50 00. Fax: 01 41 43 55 55

Publishing Director: Nick Dussuyer, CEO of Willis Towers Watson France

Publication manager: Sophie Bourlanges, Communications Director for France

Address: fr.dircom@wtwco.com

As an insurance intermediary, WTW is registered under no. 07 001 707 à l’ORIAS  – 1 rue Jules Lefebvre – 75331 Paris Cedex 9 – www.orias.fr

WTW is also subject to the supervision of the ACPR (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution), headquartered at 4 Place de Budapest – CS 92459 – 75436 Paris Cedex 9.

Website host

The site is hosted by WTW, whose contact details are given above.

Terms and conditions of use

You are invited to read carefully the general conditions of use of this website (hereinafter referred to as « the Site »). By accessing and using the services available on the Site, you acknowledge that you have read these terms of use and accept them.

The Site is published under the responsibility of WTW. For further information on our company, please consult the legal notice.

1. Limitation of liability

The login and password you use to connect to your health space are personal. They are your responsibility and must not be communicated to third parties. WTW cannot be held responsible for any use by a third party of these codes and the information to which they give access.

The information and elements published on the Site in no way constitute a contractual commitment on the part of WTW and can in no way be considered as professional advice.

WTW makes every effort to ensure the security of the Site in accordance with the rules of the art. However, Internet users are reminded that WTW cannot guarantee technical performance or response times for consulting the Site.

WTW disclaims all responsibility, express or implied, for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of information published on the Site.

Under no circumstances may WTW be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from connection to the Site or use of the information and data contained therein.

The services offered on the Site may be partially or totally modified at any time, without prior notice, particularly in terms of content, functionality and technological developments.

It is your responsibility to equip yourself, at your own expense, with the technical means necessary to connect to the Site and to ensure that these means (software, hardware, etc.) can be upgraded. WTW offers no guarantee regarding connections to the Site.

WTW assumes no responsibility for the content of external sites to which the Site refers (hypertext links).

WTW reserves the right, without prior notice, to suspend permanently or temporarily the use of all or part of the Site, in particular in order to update, modify or maintain it, and generally for any other technical or organizational reason.

2. Intellectual property – right of use

WTW holds all intellectual property rights necessary for the provision of documents and information provided on the Site, including all illustrations, graphics, text, video, trademarks, logos and other content (collectively referred to as « Site Content »).

You are authorized to download, print and/or copy Content from the Site solely for your personal use or the internal use of your company.

Unless otherwise authorized in writing by WTW, you may not:

– Incorporate all or part of the Site Content into another work, or use all or part of the Site Content for public or commercial purposes.

– Copy, modify, reproduce, adapt, reverse engineer, distribute, frame, republish, upload, post, publish, transmit, transfer, license or sell any of the Site Content, in whole or in part, in any form and by any means whatsoever.

3. Privacy policy – Cookies

You may usefully refer to the Site’s personal data protection page to find out more about how your personal data and cookies are processed by clicking ici.

4. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions of use are governed by French law.
Any disputes arising from the interpretation and/or execution of these terms and conditions shall be brought before the competent courts of Paris.


To find out how to file a claim, click ici

Last updated on April 4, 2024